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David & Melody Engaged

I was fortunate enough to spend some time last week with Melody and David at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston.

All I have to say is GREAT pick Melody!

We had a blast : )

The wild flowers and lighting were just magical. The park was HUGE so we stuck to just a few spots.

I always enjoy seeing couples who have been together as long as Melody and David have been (7 years) officially tying the knot.

Being together as long as they have been shows they’re super comfortable with each other, but most couple aren’t necessarily comfortable having their photo taken.

I asked them if they were nervous.

Melody- Yes!

David - *shrug* I don’t really get nervous (LUCKY!!)

I would say that 96% of couples who are being photographed professionally for the first time are at least a little nervous.

This is totally normal and I promise after the first 10 minutes you will calm down and forget that I am there. Just ask Melody, she was laughing by the end.

I calm you down don't worry, it's my job ; )

I also make sure to pose and move you a bit so you look fabulous. Direction is important!

I recently heard a sad story from one of my future brides who had her engagement photos taken by a family friend who is also a professional photographer.

She told me that the photographer on the shoot said, “Ok just be yourselves and do whatever.”

So...this does not really work.

Engagement photos don’t necessarily happen all on their own. *gasp*

I know, it's hard to believe haha.

Yes, there are the wonderful moments that are candid such as tickling your future spouse, spontaneous laughter and teasing, but when you’re nervous and the camera is clicking a little direction can go a long way!

Your photographer should locate some great areas and be aware of how to pose you.

I tell my clients simple directions such as lean your heads together.


Look at me.

Walk that way, walk this way.

Pick some dandelions and then blow on them while making a wish ; ) you know, the usual.

Loving this ring photo with the blossoms.

The light was so pretty here!

I <3 sun flare!

The flowers were in full bloom at the arboretum.

This Azalea was HUGE!

So you see direction is AS important as location if not more, and these two were incredible because they not only had a few ideas themselves, but they also listened to mine (thanks guys).

Trust is key with your photographer.

We are totally going to push the limits, such as here when I asked Melody if she was comfortable having David help her climb up on this tree limb.

It worked out and adorable shots soon ensued.

How CUTE is their monogram initial?!

It weighed a TON!!

As in it was soooooo heavy that when I went to move it I was actually pretty surprised at the weight haha.

Don't judge me ; ) I work out I swear.

I had a blast Melody and David, thank you so much!!!

This is my favorite shot of the day, with the sun flare joining them together with a rainbow.

I cannot wait for your March wedding guys, which so happens to fall on my birthday.

What a great gift THAT will be this year ; )

Oh I almost forgot FRED!!

Melody loves owls so we included him.

He wouldn't smile for me though, haha.

Stay tuned for some awesome weddings coming up this month, eeeee so excited!

Becka and Brian's is next weekend and before we know it March will be here for Melody and David.

Time flies when you're in love.

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@2016 Ashley Waterman Photography

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